Odin Recipes

These recipes may be a lot of work, but they're worth it!

Imagine the satisfaction you'll feel when you single-handedly transform the most basic ingredients into an intricate meal fit for a king, or perhaps another type of ruler. Maybe the ruler of a small village. Ok, maybe not the ruler of a small village, but someone who lives in, or near, yes let's say near, a small village. These meals are definitely fit for someone who lives near a small village.

Note: don't actually cook single-handedly. Use both hands whenever possible.

The Recipes:

Hard Boiled Eggs Toast Cheerios


"Yes, I suppose these technically are 'recipes'."

- real person

"No, I haven't tried any of the recipes on that site. In fact, I've never heard of it. What organization did you say you're calling from again?"

- anonymous

"That dog has a puffy tail!"

- H. Simpson